The Diary of the Building of a Driving Trolley

Driving Trolley build Truck 1 Truck 2 Truck 3 Truck 4 Truck 5

Truck 6 Truck 7 Truck 8 Truck 9 Truck 10 Truck 11 Truck 12

Truck 13 Truck 14/15 Truck 16 Truck 17 Truck 18 Truck 19 Truck 20 Truck 20/21

Truck 22 Truck 23 Truck 24/25 Truck 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 Truck 30 / 31 Truck 32 Light flasher

Baudot rebuild Index page

Construction Day 2

The band saw was given a good clean and the right angle between fence and blade checked and necessary adjustment made to ensure as far as possible a square cut horizontally.

The gap in the roller bearings supporting the blade was also checking to ensure as far as possible a square vertical cut.

The billet of steel is so heavy, 3 1/2" round bar 400mm long, that a support had to be arranged to take the weight.

Consideration is to be given as to how to support longer item but of less weight. I might even decided to buy a commercial feed roller !!!

The first wheel blank is cut and is the right size for the next stage with near parallel sides.

After 90 minutes of running the saw three completed wheel blanks had been cut. With the saw motor rather warm it was decided to give it a rest and go and meet another member of the team, John, for coffee.

The back of the eight wheel blank and last for the first truck has been machined up.

The stack of all eight wheel blanks not bad for one day - finish at 21:00 !!

If you have any comments / questions about the project then please email me ...