31st May 2023
The next item to be machined is the crack axle separate part and then assemble.
Whilst most loco have Right Hand crank leading my research shows that the GWR used in general left hand lead, which is shown on the plans and that is what I will use..

1st June 2023
The photo shows the cranks with their end pieces set in-place. They are now left to set overnight at least.

I have found that I have not yet drilled nor tapped
the eccentrics for their setting Allen Bolts !!!

3rd June 2023
The other parts of the crank angle were machine and after one failure the parts mated up well. In the picture you can see the crank axle the centre and right hand piece are not yet fixed but the left hand has its adhesive applied and is now setting. the the alignment as good as to be expected!!!

5th June 2023
The first thing I did to day was to drop the centre part of the crank axle on the floor. After 2 hours and not found I decided to make another. When mde one end was Loctited onto the crank leaving one end open to fit the eccentric centres on in due course.

The remaining two centres of the eccentrics were drilled and reamed so all that now need to be done is to drill and thread for a locking Allen screw.

7th June 2023
Eccentrics drilled and tapped for M4 allen screws

23rd June 2023

Sorry for the delay in posting items of engineering but I have been diagnosed with needing a hip replaced so that took priority for appointments etc.

Still back at the mill / drill now

The photo shows the setting up with the second stage of the edge finder which then when press the 1/2 button showed me how far to move the Y axes to reach the centre.

The centre drill was used first particularly as the drilling was on the slant.

This was followed by a small drill through the sheave.

The drill holes was cleaned up as there was a burr on the inside of each sheave and then the set was reassembled.

Considering what other part of have laser cut and have ordered these:-
5497 connecting rods
7442 Gear grab Saxby
7443 Back gear Saxby
20259 Side Stirrup
20260 Long lift link Saxby
20439 Ash Pan bracket
20441 Boiler top drill template
20453 Splasher inner and outer plates
2054 Splasher top plate
20455 Splasher decorative trim
20754 Outside cranks
20898 Slide bar spacer
20994 Connecting rod
211274 Spring hanger

1st July 2023
Today I hope to achieve the  Axle horns ready t6o fit to frames.

The drawing opposite is for the 3 1/2" model.

Conversion took some time but the length of the 1" piece on the drawing  for 5" model  is 1 1/2" still with thickness of 3/16" but depth of 3/8".

The axle horn was measured and the additional piece was first cleaned off and then coated on the side to be soldered clamped in place. A strip of silver solder was laid along the joint and then heated until it fully melted and then was left to cool.

That leaves 4 more to do for the leading axle box then more metal bought for the centre axle horns and then they will need soldering and lastly the training axle horns but the length of the pieces needs to be calculated.

Both of the leading axle horn completed except for fettling to make the axle boxes slide easily in the space.

The top on is cooling the lower one is cool!!

7th July 2023
Supply of steel arrived so I was able to cut four more pieces and silver solder to the mid axle  horns.

Also collected from MMES were the issues of Model engineer showing the variations of the parts for the posts value movement.

This is the information :-
LBSC's drawings produce a locomotive with the outwards appearance of Lion, not a scale model. There is a letter authored by Charles E Taylor-Nobbs on the subject with suggested corrections to produce a more accurate representation in Model Engineer magazine Volume 150, issue 3705, 20 May 1983, page 620.
The gab valve-gear as drawn by LBSC cannot be reversed except at certain crank-axle positions. Modifications with dimensioned drawings applicable to 5" gauge Lion locomotives were authored by L A Saxby in Model Engineer Magazine, volume 139, issue 3479, 21 December 1973, page 1222. He also advocates modifications to lock the screwed valve-rod glands and addition of a bridge piece to the end of the rocker-arms to cope with excessive strain.
Further comments on the gab valve-gear including an improved valve-rod gland and other suggested improvements are covered in an article in Model Engineer magazine by K C Miller in Volume 150, issue 3707, 17th June 1983, page 714.

9th July 2023
The plans showed the 5" gauge trailing axle and the 1 3/8" parts needed.

Parts cut and ready to silver solder.

13th July 2023

Leading horn soldered

Now both Silver Soldered

15th July 2023
Surplus Silver solder filed away so that the part sits well on the frame steel.