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Building of the Sweet Pea Tender   Page 5

21st October 2020

The filler hole was marked out and chain drilled.

The centre was then milled out.

This left a ragged hole

The hole was cleaned up using a Flapper Wheel

Having used my centre finder and marked the two hole location I needed to mark the next two holes at right angle to the first two.

So I used a pair of dividers and where the lines crossed was the centre point between the other two marks. This was repeated for the other side.

The filler ring was then fitted before it is to be silver soldered to the filler tube.

The base and the filler barrel were silver soldered together.

The filler part had the angle attached so I thought I would hold it in place to see how the size looked. I am pleased with my decisions !!!

22th October 2020

1/16" rivets drilled and installed a total of 38 so far

A side piece was selected and all the necessary rivet holes marked out - a total of 63 !!

The the 63 holes were drill 1/16" and then the second side was fixed by machine clamp and carefully 5 rivet holes drilled and then the two plate riveted together and the remaining holes drilled.

A total of nearly 200 holes were drilled today

All the drilling was then cleaned up ready for the abgle to be fixed in another session in the workshop. 

Total time today 6 hours of  and three broken 1/16" drill which were not of the best quality!!
y ...

23rd October 2020

Holding piece in place ready to drill for the Rivets

So after a long session today this is as far as I have reached.

24th October 2020

A lot of drilling for 1/16" rivets and then I decided to sort out the sloping part.

The sheet brass was measured and cut in the 3 in 1 machine and then slight adjustment was needed at the front end to go round the existing angle. This was achieved with my Dremel and a metal cutting blade.

Satisfied with the fit I then made up an angle piece from and off cur using the 3 in 1 machine to form the angle. I did make a few trial bends to ensure that as I only had one piece of brass that it would be fine.

The existing part was first drilled with the drill for the tapping of the lower part, then
the two piece were clamped together using spacers and machine clamps and the holes for tapping 6BA  were drilled into the lower part.

The upper part was then drill for clearance of the 6BA.

Using a tapper tap 6BA in my hand drill the lower holes were threaded and then the 6BA round headed bolts fitted.

A rather neat way of using up the cut off brass.

A similar exercise was carried out the make a less than 90 degree angle piece for the bottom edge. However there was only short pieces of scrap so two were silver soldered together cut to length and then bent to the angle required.

This piece was then attached to the front edge of the slope by more 1/16" rivets.

This sloping part has to be made water tight as eventually I wish to carry extra water for the injector.

A few more holes drilled and tapped this evening but I need an adaptor to gain access to a tight corner so used a Meccano Coupling.

25th October 2020

The first job achieve was to make and extension for the Tapping drill for 6BA and also an extension for the 6BA taper tap as they could not reach deep into the tender. A hole was drilled using the tapping drill and then the hole and drill were cleaned and then fixed with Loctite 603. Similarly for the tap.

To assist with the riveting I devised this support so that the tender rivet was on top of the dolly and then I could balance the tender more securely than without the stand.Still many more rivets to finish off!!

With all bar a few remaining 6BA bolts to drill and tap along the front face of the tender I decided to see how coal the tender would carry. I filled a bag with coal and was surprised to find that it weighed 2lbs 8ozs which as you can see will easily be carried by the tender.

26th October 2020

A start made on the sand blasting so that the etch primer will have a good key. You should be able to see the areas sand blasted top left and un-blasted bottom right.

The upper part of the tender is now fully sand blasted and ready for a coat of etch primer after a time has elapsed to allow any remaining cleaner to evaporate.

If you have any comments / questions about the project then please email me ...